Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Calgary Regional Summer Band Workshop

Every year I look forward to going back to Calgary to teach at the Calgary Regional Summer Band Workshop. Now that another awesome year has been completed, I can hardly wait to go and teach again next year!!

Okay everyone in E BAND!! Here is, FINALLY, your updated list of various books we used, and recordings we listened to! Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions!

A Trevor Wye Practice Book for the Flute
We used examples from books 1, 2 and 6. If you don't own these already, I'd recommend purchasing the edition that has all of the books combined into one method book.

Marcel Moyse - Tone
-De La Sonorite
-24 Petites etudes melodiques
-Tone Development Through Interpretation

Marcel Moyse - Technique
-Etudes et Exercices Techniques pour la flute

Taffanel et Gaubert
Grands Exercices Journaliers de Mecanisme
(If you don't have this yet- you should!! If you want to save some $$ you can just get a smaller 'paper back' edition, with just the technical exercises)

James J. Pellerite
A Modern Guide to Fingerings for the Flute

Robert Dick
-The Other Flute
A Performance Manual Of Comtemporary Techniques
-Tone Development Through Extended Techniques
-Circular Breathing for the Flutist

Other books I like to use that we didn't have time for in class!!
Marcel Moyse
-Scales and Arpeggios 480 Exercises for the Flute
-Daily Exercises for the Flute

Andre Maquarre
-Daily Exercises for the Flute

Geoffrey Gilbert
- Technical Flexibility fof Flutists


Listening to other flute players play is one of the most important things we can do. Listening to soloists, chamber ensembles and orchestras- the more we listen, the more we learn!!!! Listen, Listen, Listen!!!

Ian Clarke- Within...

Emmanuel Pahud- (all of his recordings are excellent)

Barthold Kuijken- Solo pour la flute traversiere (baroque flute extrordinaire!!!)

Lorna McGhee- Taheke, Krutzen/McGhee Duo

George Crumb- Voice of the Whale

Thanks to everyone of my students for another incredible year!! You are all wonderful and inspiring! I hope you all had an awesome concert. Have a great year, and see you next August!!


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